Saturday, May 10, 2014

HOARDING takes a life time!

Do you know someone who is a hoarder? Are you a hoarder? Does it run in your family? These are questions more then just a few of us ask daily. When is the right time to toss items? Keep or to Toss! I say I hang on the edge of hoarding, I can walk through my house, but lets get real. My garage, storage building, and all closets in my home are full and stuffed. Things I have not seen in years, and when I say years, I have lived in my home 21 yrs. and still have boxes of things packed from when I moved the first time. I like to purge is what I call it, ever few months I go through my home and get large trash bags, and throw things in my site away. How do you deal with your hoarding?
What makes you hoard? Is it feelings, the memories we cant let go of. I believe my gathering of items is the thought that even though I don't use these items, someone, somewhere, will need them one day. Only problem with this is that one day never comes. How do you control your hoarding, and allow yourself to be set free?

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